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Donald Trump Actually Born in Kenya According to Special Counsel

Donald Trump Birth Certificate a Fake:

The Shocking Truth Behind The Birther Controversy.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, led by Andrew Weismann since Mueller’s recent disappearance, has recently uncovered documents which prove conclusively that President Donald Trump was not, as he has claimed, born in the United States, but actually in Kenya.

These documents, which include what is alleged to be the President’s original birth certificate, state unequivocally that Donald Trump’s place of birth was in Boko Soto (referred to in abbreviated form in the attached FBI dossier as B.S. for efficiency’s sake), Kenya, and that the birth certificate released to the public by the President stating that his country of birth is the United States is a fake.

An anonymous source within the Special Counsel's office stated to our reporters “Although we don’t have any evidence yet, we do think that the President colluded with the Russians to produce his fake birth certificate. Impeachment and deportation may be the result of this investigation.”

When pressed about the lack of evidence of Russian collusion, our anonymous source said “Don’t worry, a good pre-dawn raid on the White House with about 30 militarized FBI agents should uncover what we need.”

A spokesman for the Secret Service responded bluntly,

“They better not.”

“More Fake News.” – President Donald Trump

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